Friday, January 8, 2010

If you haven't seen Rad you are living a sad life!

Have you seen Rad yet??

It came out in like 1986 so if you haven't then...GET WITH IT. A BMX bike movie? Sounds rad. Did you say there is a choreographed bike dance scene to the tune of "Send Me An Angel"?? Sounds really rad.

Wait, you have to see it to believe it:

Lori Loughlin should have won an academy award! I mean, can YOU do that on a bike?? No, you can't. I rest my case.


  1. really?? holy good lord ladies!!

    gawd dang I love me some 80s!

  2. Mrs Holly Hall - It is 80's in it's finest! haha

  3. hey guys! you should tweet about this blog, it's pretty great! I had no idea it even existed until i stumbled across the link in betsy's twitter profile! love it, keep up the great entertainment! xoxo
    Meghann (Betsy's tvgbff)

  4. Gotta Love 'Send Me an Angel'. Lets not forget, it was also used in 'The Wizard' and 'Teen Wolf, Too'

    -Krazy Joe!
